Case Studies

Fix Pain


The physician founder of this extremely successful facilities-based healthcare business had achieved regional dominance and was poised for further growth. The founder wished to pass the torch to his physician co-owner, who was extremely well-prepared to take the business to the next level of prosperity. However, significant outside capital was required to achieve liquidity for the founder and his co-owners, as well as to capitalize on growth opportunities. After an ineffective sale process run by another advisor, the owners turned to Surgi-Connect for a solution.


Surgi-Connect introduced the owners to a short list of selected investors which were well-positioned to provide significant capital, plus deep expertise in growing healthcare businesses.


Within twelve months, we closed a transaction which enabled a smooth transition to the next generation of leadership. We achieved transforming asset diversification for the owners, and the company is on a path to dramatic expansion.



The founder and owner of a rapidly expanding medical provider business truly enjoyed his clinical practice, but did not have the time or inclination to manage rapid growth. He was unwilling to walk away from the valuable business he built from the ground up, and had a specific cash target he wished to receive. He wanted to continue a personally rewarding clinical practice, retain upside in the business, and buy out his existing partners.


Surgi-Connect introduced the owner to four potential buyers with the experience and ability to run and grow the business, as well as the capital to achieve the owner’s financial goals.


Within 6 months, a transaction was completed resulting in the owner achieving his financial goals and retaining an upside equity interest in the company he founded. The owner has attained financial security, an enhanced lifestyle, and continues a very satisfying clinical practice. The company he founded continues to grow.